Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Stuff I love right now

1. This lovely bag.
via JoTotes - click through for product page

Seriously - is it not adorable? Get this: it's a camera bag! With damask lining and removable padded compartments. I am so sad that it is currently out of stock.

2. Hot chocolate.
image via weheartit
I know, how very cliche of me! But normally I am much more of a cappuccino gal. However, this week has been good to me and I have already been blessed with two superb cups of hot cocoa. I think the key is the milk - the ones I've enjoyed so much were thick, coat-your-mouth goodness that reminded me of melted chocolate. Mmmmmmm...

(If you're in SF, I definitely recommend bypassing the long ice cream line at Bi-Rite Creamery and going straight to the soft serve window, where they have amazing hot chocolate.)

3. Lake Tahoe.

image via weheartit

I am very much a winter person. My friends know this well, as I constantly tell them about my RSAD in the spring and summer. Living in crazy California, I also mourn the lack of snow every time I hear about east coast blizzards. Ahhhh! To see snow out my window, to bundle up in sweaters and scarves and gloves, to have a fireplace that I can snuggle up in front of with the aforementioned cocoa while it blizzards outside!

Anyway! This will be solved (to some extent) this weekend, as I am planning a group trip to Lake Tahoe, the place where bay area folks go for their "scheduled winter". There will be snow, freezing cold air, a hot tub, hot chocolate, and skiing!! I can't wait. I will be sure to take pictures and post more after.

4. Pedicure lunch break date with the roomie!
Please excuse the crappy cell phone photo - they will only look worse after ballet tonight
Roomie (Andrea) came home on Saturday, but I have hardly seen her! So we took our lunch hour and got pedis and caught up. I destroyed mine before I even left the salon, AWESOME. But on the bright side, since it's winter, no one will even see them.

5. DIY hair treatments

My hair is extra soft and shiny this week. Why? Because I had a little at-home spa night and made a hair mask out of things in my kitchen! Just mix one egg with 2 tablespoons of olive oil (double this if you have longer hair), massage through your hair (do this over the tub unless you want a mess), put up in a shower cap for an hour, then wash out! It totally works. I'm trying to get in the habit of doing it every other week - I'll let you know if my yucky split ends disappear before too long!

As a side note....
Please bear with the mishmash of posts lately. I am trying to figure out what works (outfits? recipes? posts about awkwardness and things I love?), so for now it is a bit scattered. If there is something you do or don't like, let me know!! I have another outfit post and a recipe coming up eventually, whenever I find a few spare minutes... Hold tight!


  1. I literally ran to put water on for hot chocolate after reading this post! Thanks for the reminder, I've been kind of overdoing it on the coffee & tea lately.. this is much needed, especially after the blizzard we got yesterday!
    Also, I love pedicures in the winter. Some may say they're unnecesssary, but 1- they force me to shave my legs 2- i can get my toes painted something wintry like plum or cranberry and 3- sure to put a stop to any formation of the winter blues!

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. I'm so glad I inspired you to make hot chocolate!! Unfortunately I don't have snow, bu I'm visiting some this weekend, so I might OD on the cocoa.

    Definitely agree on all of your pedicure points, especially 1 and 2. My color this time is actually a little springier than I intended - I love painting my nails to match the seasons.

    Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting! I'll check your blog out too :)
